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Flow Meter Station

  • Flow Metering Station on skid
  • flow metering


Flow metering stations measure the flow rate of gas or liquids at various locations, for the purpose of monitoring the performance of pipelines and more particularly, at places where custody transfer takes place. Depending on the purpose for metering, whether for performance monitoring or for revenue, the measuring techniques used may vary according to the accuracy demanded.

Typically, a custody transfer metering station will comprise one or two runs of pipe with a calibrated metering orifice in each run. Should an ultrasonic meter be required, it should be designed to meet or exceed the requirements established for ultrasonic meters in AGA-9. Typically, the ultrasonic meter will be a multi-path meter and the meter tubes will be equipped with a flow conditioner. Gaumer Process provides standard (in accordance with Gaumer standard specifications) and custom engineered (in accordance with customer specifications) fuel gas or liquid fuel metering stations.


Custody or non-custody transfer applications

Complete calibration certificates

Skid mounted, trailer mounted or standalone

Quick availability based on pre-engineered design or custom engineered per equipment specifications

Meter type depending on application and requirement – Ultrasonic, Coriolis, Turbine, Vortex, etc.

Complete process and mechanical guarantees

Piping per B31.1, 31.3 or 31.8

Training and start-up/site commissioning assistance

Manual or automated block valves upstream and downstream

Global certifications available such as UL, FM, IECEx, ATEX, etc.

Flow computer (optional)


Power Generation - Traditional power plant or mobile power generation unit

Upstream, midstream and downstream



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